Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hi Mom, it's me.

   So we all have those crazy days when every single thing we plan goes wrong. Then there are those times when we don't plan a thing and we have an amazing day. So what is the point of planing you ask? Well it is a way to be more efficient and more organized. Some would argue that it makes life too structured and boring, lacking spontaneity and excitement. That may be true to a certain extent, however, I think it is still a good idea to make plans. One does need to be flexible when things change and should learn to go with the flow, so to speak. 
  Like when you are supposed to meet with your friends for a power lunch and you end up with a flat tire in the middle of rush hour traffic. What can a girl do? 
 All you can do is make the annoying (yet grateful you have it) call to AAA and wait. Maybe use the half hour it takes to wait for the rescue truck to arrive to call your Mom, whose calls you've been ignoring for the past three days, and catch up and reminisce about the time she took you to the DMV for the first time for that driving test. You passed it the first time, because she was an awesome teacher. Perhaps that power lunch with friends wasn't as important as reconnecting with your very 'first' friend after all. Maybe that was the point of the whole seemingly tedious ordeal. Hmm...  
Love you Mom.