Saturday, March 26, 2011

Prototype Malfunction

(a little blurb)
The first time I saw the Matrix (yes that's right I did see that one), I thought to myself. "Wow...that makes so much sense about the lack of perfection in the world". Truth is I am not sure we humans could handle it. Perfection is such a large thing to explore, so I shall keep my writings on the matter somewhat brief. I believe in God and creation and the Bible. However I also think that there is a great many things that can be learned once you have accepted the fact that you are, infact, a prototype malfunction. I mean Adam and Eve messed it up for all of us to follow, and so God's perfect plan was no longer perfect in the sense that we humans would do everything perfectly. We humans make mistakes...A Lot of mistakes, but we also learn from them and grow and change and become better for it. I think I like being a prototype malfunction, as least that way I know I can improve myself. Best part is I will be in eternity, perfectly righteous unable to make any more mistakes (No more, "what happens in Vegas" mantras), and will occupy the future eons of my life learning and exploring and working and bettering myself amongst many many friends. That's all on that. P.S. I do long for another trip to Vegas though....such felicity of entertainment & shows.