Here a few stories about the 'girl behind the stare'. She is witty, complicated, passionate, trying to survive in this mad world. Doing it all while waiting to see what God has in store for her, working, and keeping herself from going as crazy as those around her. These are her stories, her thoughts, successes, failures, her dreams, and desires. Welcome.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
No Good, Very Bad Day
I hate when I don't wake up on the right side of the bed. You know....when you've had a bad dream that you just can't shake and yet you have to get up anyway and start you day. Then the tedious tasks begin...making breakfast, finding something to wear, getting out the door on time, only to sit in traffic and listen to the same old annoying songs on the radio. (Seriously why is it so hard for DJ's to get good music broadcast and not for
Then you make it through the day and back home, only to realize that you've forgotten something at the store for dinner and now you have to go back out, find parking, and wait in another line.
Well days like that do happen, but you know what? can still turn it into something good, even great just by doing a few simple things:
1) Count your blessings. Just think of all the little things we usually take for granted like, hot clean water and soap, food, electricity, plumbing, and toothpaste. There are so many who have nothing, so please...count your blessings.
2) After a long and terrible day, take a hot shower and watch a funny movie. It really helps to go to bed on a good note.
3) Call up a friend just to say, "hi". Ask them about their day and chances are they've had a doozy of a day just like you, and could use your sense of humor to be uplifted.
4)If all else fails call a Mary Kay Lady to come over and pamper you for free. You will feel better trust me. (
Well there you go. Hope this has helped you. Tomorrow is a new day. Praise the Lord!