This is home...
Nice isn't it? Yeeeah....only problem is, I don't live there yet.
I'm more or less living in place like this:
It small but nice and, albeit, not so isolated, it has all the conveniences one needs, plus the usual modern conveniences like electricity, running water, the get the picture.
So this is the last day of 2010 and some things are very different from last year, and by that I mean, things are all tangled up, and not in a good way. For one thing I had a very serious talk with my Mr.Man. It went something like this:
"Now you listen to me dearest...I'm giving you one more chance not to screw up this relationship with your incessant shenanigans, which by the way is supposed to be built on trust, love, and understanding, etc, or so help me God, you'll regret it".
His response:
(The "hey, I feel you babe" look)
It didn't work. I could see right through that.
I explained that I wanted him to be the knight who scales the tower wall and risks everything to fend off: 1)horrid people who lack a moral compass, and 2)those lacking the ability to shower everyday, as I have a very sensitive nose.
In addition to that I explained that he could count on me to whip it, and flip it (ya know my hair) and fight along side of him for a peaceful more harmonious world in which to dwell. I mean I can certainly be assertive, efficient, and deadly persuasive when need be. We women are born with the gift of flirt or fight. The wise just know when and where to implement them.
Anywhoo....the goal is of course the perpetual romantic amazingly adventurous relationship we all know is possible, but rarely strive hard enough to actually achieve.
Ahh romance, you gotta love it right?!
So here I am hoping to have this be the last day to be annoyed in a serious way by anyone. And here's hoping that in 2011 we'll be fighting on the same side for something better, more wonderful, and more extraordinary than anything either of us could dare wish for.
Seeing the light.
Here a few stories about the 'girl behind the stare'. She is witty, complicated, passionate, trying to survive in this mad world. Doing it all while waiting to see what God has in store for her, working, and keeping herself from going as crazy as those around her. These are her stories, her thoughts, successes, failures, her dreams, and desires. Welcome.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
No Good, Very Bad Day
I hate when I don't wake up on the right side of the bed. You know....when you've had a bad dream that you just can't shake and yet you have to get up anyway and start you day. Then the tedious tasks begin...making breakfast, finding something to wear, getting out the door on time, only to sit in traffic and listen to the same old annoying songs on the radio. (Seriously why is it so hard for DJ's to get good music broadcast and not for
Then you make it through the day and back home, only to realize that you've forgotten something at the store for dinner and now you have to go back out, find parking, and wait in another line.
Well days like that do happen, but you know what? can still turn it into something good, even great just by doing a few simple things:
1) Count your blessings. Just think of all the little things we usually take for granted like, hot clean water and soap, food, electricity, plumbing, and toothpaste. There are so many who have nothing, so please...count your blessings.
2) After a long and terrible day, take a hot shower and watch a funny movie. It really helps to go to bed on a good note.
3) Call up a friend just to say, "hi". Ask them about their day and chances are they've had a doozy of a day just like you, and could use your sense of humor to be uplifted.
4)If all else fails call a Mary Kay Lady to come over and pamper you for free. You will feel better trust me. (
Well there you go. Hope this has helped you. Tomorrow is a new day. Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Have you ever had an emotion that was so uninvited you cringed as you realized it was coming upon you? When you felt that you had no choice at all and were helpless to defend yourself from it taking over. And worse yet, is that you acted upon it. Maybe you screamed at your spouse, your kids, or your boss. Maybe you began to obsess over food, a person, or an item you had to have or you'd die. (maybe not die, but you know what I'm saying) Well that very emotion has happened not once but a few times to me. Each times, I was forced to purge that emotion and literally cut it out of my mind. It was very very hard. It's not like seeing a commercial and thinking, "oh that's nice, I'd like to try that". It's intense and almost paralyzing, or in some cases electrifying. Sadly, much like a weed, emotions this powerful you can't ever get to root of.....give it time, and it will be back.
Now you can do the usual things like, try to forget (which doesn't work), get busy with work and other things (this works for a while, but never long enough), so you can just give in hoping that over indulgence will somehow numb you to it, and soon enough you'll no longer want it; like working at your favorite restaurant so you won't eat the food there. None of these methods work. Inevitably the feeling returns and your mind and heart are scalded by them once more.
So what can you do? The only logical and practical thing to do is to pray, pray, and then pray some more. Also, and I'm paraphrasing here, remember the words of that great puritan writer John Owen which say, "The person who understands the evil in his own heart is the only person who is useful, fruitful, and solid in his beliefs and obedience. Others only delude themselves and thus upset families, churches, and all other relationships. In their self-pride and judgment of others, they show great inconsistency."
This quote is excellent, and real, and true, and scary. The person that does not understand the evil in his own heart, muat be a sad and wretched person indeed. Without such understanding you cannot understand true grace, true forgiveness, true mercy, and true love. It's only when we acknowledge to our very own souls that our inner most being is dark and on the brink of madness, that the beautiful re-birth of consciousness and soul can take place. Our disillusionment about life is a result of not reconciling the bad we've be born into and contributed to, with the amazing blessing given and shown to us despite everything.
That was a bit off topic, but all that was to say that in order to grasp true and complete control of our emotions is to surrender to Christ Jesus, our Redeemer. He alone is the One who can give His Holy Spirit to us, so that by His power we are able to overcome such things. You may get mad, even irritate at reading this, but the purpose was not to offend, however that is almost always the case when truth is presented.
Sit, ponder, and pray and you will see that Jesus is the only way to true joy, freedom from the clutches of depraved thinking, and life.
Have you ever had an emotion that was so uninvited you cringed as you realized it was coming upon you? When you felt that you had no choice at all and were helpless to defend yourself from it taking over. And worse yet, is that you acted upon it. Maybe you screamed at your spouse, your kids, or your boss. Maybe you began to obsess over food, a person, or an item you had to have or you'd die. (maybe not die, but you know what I'm saying) Well that very emotion has happened not once but a few times to me. Each times, I was forced to purge that emotion and literally cut it out of my mind. It was very very hard. It's not like seeing a commercial and thinking, "oh that's nice, I'd like to try that". It's intense and almost paralyzing, or in some cases electrifying. Sadly, much like a weed, emotions this powerful you can't ever get to root of.....give it time, and it will be back.
Now you can do the usual things like, try to forget (which doesn't work), get busy with work and other things (this works for a while, but never long enough), so you can just give in hoping that over indulgence will somehow numb you to it, and soon enough you'll no longer want it; like working at your favorite restaurant so you won't eat the food there. None of these methods work. Inevitably the feeling returns and your mind and heart are scalded by them once more.
So what can you do? The only logical and practical thing to do is to pray, pray, and then pray some more. Also, and I'm paraphrasing here, remember the words of that great puritan writer John Owen which say, "The person who understands the evil in his own heart is the only person who is useful, fruitful, and solid in his beliefs and obedience. Others only delude themselves and thus upset families, churches, and all other relationships. In their self-pride and judgment of others, they show great inconsistency."
This quote is excellent, and real, and true, and scary. The person that does not understand the evil in his own heart, muat be a sad and wretched person indeed. Without such understanding you cannot understand true grace, true forgiveness, true mercy, and true love. It's only when we acknowledge to our very own souls that our inner most being is dark and on the brink of madness, that the beautiful re-birth of consciousness and soul can take place. Our disillusionment about life is a result of not reconciling the bad we've be born into and contributed to, with the amazing blessing given and shown to us despite everything.
That was a bit off topic, but all that was to say that in order to grasp true and complete control of our emotions is to surrender to Christ Jesus, our Redeemer. He alone is the One who can give His Holy Spirit to us, so that by His power we are able to overcome such things. You may get mad, even irritate at reading this, but the purpose was not to offend, however that is almost always the case when truth is presented.
Sit, ponder, and pray and you will see that Jesus is the only way to true joy, freedom from the clutches of depraved thinking, and life.
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