So I've been wondering again...(again), on the point a certain someone. Seems the thought is not as shocking as it once was. Matter of fact I can hardly remember a time when it wasn't, at the very least, shocking! I mean, imagine knowing a person, not even really wanting to hold the person's name in your mind longer than a second for fear of constant irritation the whole rest of the day. Imagine then that that thought turns to intrigue, and then to wonder, and then...something all together different than irritation. Now that is shocking to me! Like the first sip of strong black coffee; first your nose turns up at it, then suddenly your addicted. What can you do for that kind of addiction? Especially when you're not even sure if that addiction is mutual. Nothing much you can do, I suppose, except wonder....and wait.
That's it. There is no happy ending without action, and there will be none on my part. For women were made to be wooed, and not to woo.
Really though...this is just some silliness. Nothing serious at all.